Fishing in international waters? Collaboration in executive search

19. Oktober 2021

By Stephan Breitfeld 

Talent is spread all over the world and talented executives are like goldfish in the ocean: one needs a huge net, a reliable boat, and an accurate map, to catch it. But what if you end up in unknown waters and neither a boat, nor a map, seem to provide you their adequate services… Ask locals! International collaboration is often an approach that may bring about more talent to your company. In other words, it is a great way for you to borrow a local map (and maybe even a boat with a brave crew) to catch the coveted executive goldfish in the endless ocean of global economy. Why not collaborate with others, if everyone wins in the end?

Local, national, global – one labor market

An internal HR department may be aware of the labor market situation within the country, but if a position requires talent which is scarce locally, but in abundance across the border, this is where the international collaboration plays a decisive role in executive search. The modern-day reality shows that companies have moved beyond the confinements of national borders, especially in Europe. And networks like IIC Partners fill the gap between different labor markets, cultures and so on.

Here’s an example. Let’s say a company in Finland (why not?) is searching for a new executive for its freshly developed product, which is new for this country, while much of the role- and product-relevant businesses are located, for instance, in Germany. A solution seems fairly obvious: why not look for a candidate in DACH, who may be the perfect match for this position and who already has an entire suitcase of relevant insights? So, the Finnish company would probably be in good hands with an executive search company that either has a German office or a good network over there. The international collaboration ensues, synergies are shared, and benefits from each other’s specialist knowledge of the industry and insights into the client’s requirements and culture can be possible.

Executives are a currency that you can pay with anywhere

Finland and Germany are fairly close though – collaboration can easily spans countries, cultures and continents. But the principles are similar. Collaboration implies benefits for both parties. The globalization of the economy made it as simple as that: executives are an international currency. And, everyone is in the same boat.

Experience shows that the assignments conducted on, so to say, “foreign soil” (be it geographical location or field of business) result in significantly better quality, if a “local” executive search consultant is involved. Thus, it is much easier to identify and communicate your goals, while keeping in mind local specificities. At the same time, collaboration provides you and your company with valuable insights about the business environment. As a result, interviews go smoother and more efficient, you are aware of expectations, and prepared for potential challenges. Win, win and win.


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