„Cooking the books“ – Kreativität in der Küche? Oder im Rechnungswesen?

In times gone by, the logical consequence of the „shotgun wedding“ was a life as wife and mother for the bride. She spent her days in the home, mostly in the kitchen, where cooking was a large part of her duties. But wait, cooking books makes no sense.

This is correct. Especially because books are not cooked in kitchens. When books are cooked, this usually happens in offices, specifically in accounting departments. „Cooking the books“ is actually a financial English term, in a business English environment, of course.

„Cooking the books“ ist tatsächlich Business Englisch. Genauer gesagt, gehört dieser Ausdruck in den Bereich der Buchhaltung, also sogar Financial English. Dort, nicht in Küchen, werden Bücher „gekocht“.

Read all about this delicious dish here: https://www.englisch-nach-mass.com/cooking-the-books/

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