The Legal Professional.

The Legal Professional.

If spending a few minutes with an article or activity pushes your English ability an inch in the right direction (perhaps while entertaining or challenging you at the same time), we have achieved our dream. If you want to go deeper into an educational experience, stay tuned for our upcoming „Educational Experience Guide“ for The Legal Professional. Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy our first edition tailored to match your needs in the legal industry!

Alexandra Mareschi LL.M. ,LL.B.

LegalEnglish online consultancy
English for professionals
TOLES Examination and Training Centre

Alexandra Mareschi, LL.M., LL.B.
Lawyer Linguist & Language Mediator
Josef-Gockeln-Str. 1c
D-51109 Köln

Tel.: +49 (0)221 98627021
Mobil: +49 (0)172 8833557

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