đș The State of LPM Around the World
đ€ LPM VIP Interview (Larry Bridgesmith befragt Brian Kuhn, MitbegrĂŒnder der „Baker McKenzieâs new Machine Learning Practice“
đđ» 5-Star Round Table â Building Successful LPM Practices for In-House Teams
𧩠Solving LPM Challenges
— Challenge 1: How can LPM support the digital transformation of law firms and legal departments?
— Challenge 2: What leadership skills do LPMs need and how can they be developed?
— Challenge 3: CĂłmo el LPM puede mejorar la experiencia de los abogados en la entrega de servicios legales
đ€ LPM VIP Interview (IILPM-Chair Todd Hutchison interviews Kevin Bielawski, Director of Legal Operations at Husch Blackwell (USA)
đŻ Developing Legal Project Managers: Introducing the IILPMâs LPM Competency Model v2.0
đ Launch of the IILPMâs 2022 Awards for Innovation in Legal Project Management
Ich wĂŒrde mich freuen, Sie auf der IILPM Live 2022 zu treffen, Harald Evers
IILPM Live 2022 – Come to a Global Legal Project Management Conference (leanlegal.academy)

đ„ Ich lade Sie herzlich zum ersten Global Summit des International Institute of Legal Project Management am
12./13. Mai 2022 ein, jeweils vier Stunden ab 16.00 Uhr.
Kostenfreie Registrierung unter https://www.leanlegal.academy/iilpm-live-2022 .
đ Bereits jetzt ĂŒber 400 Anmeldungen aus ĂŒber 40 LĂ€ndern; Referenten aus sechs Kontinenten/20 LĂ€ndern. Besuchen Sie interaktive GesprĂ€chsrunden, diskutieren Sie mit und kommen Sie ins GesprĂ€ch:
âš 5-Star Round Table â Law Firm Best Practices in LPM
— Breakout 1: Latin America (in Spanish)
— Breakout 2: USA and Canada
— Breakout 3: Africa & Middle East
9 — Breakout 4: Europe
— Breakout 5: Australia, New Zealand and Asia (APAC)