Announcement: Start of the Blockchain Lawyers Network Dear friends and network, together with Ash CostelloOlga StepanovaJörn Erbguth Frederic Hannesen I would like to bring together lawyers, entrepreneurs and Blockchain enthusiasts to exchange ideas and information worldwide. We want to network, discuss and develop ideas in order to jointly give impulses to the law of the Blockchain worldwide.
We have built our own platform on Mighty Networks, where we can discuss safely and self-determined: The Blockchain Lawyers Network. The membership is completely free. Anyone can share their thoughts, articles or legal opinions there, can inform themselves about current topics of the regulation of blockchain and cryptocurrencies and talk to other members. Now is the time to network and work together globally – so that Blockchain gets the legal support that this great technology needs. Every member can invite other members to join, and thus help us to build a strong community.
You can join directly via this link:
or simply put: in your browser.
I look forward to seeing you.
Feel free to contact me with any questions. Best, Dennis

von Dennis Hillemann